Thursday, May 3, 2007

Telfair's Nameplate Gives Way to Apple Strudel Poptarts

"He seems to have a recurrent handgun issue. He also seems to have an expired driver's license issue and a wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time issue. He is a soon-to-be-former Celtic, at least according to co-owner Wyc Grousbeck, who alerted the media via e-mail to the fact that Sebastian Telfair was not going to be a part of any Celtics' plans. 'I wanted to let you know that we have removed Sebastian's nameplate from his locker in Waltham,' Grousbeck wrote. 'The facts and circumstances of his case have not yet been determined but he does not have a Celtics locker and we do not anticipate that he will.'" -Telfair didn't belong in Boston, Bob Ryan, Boston Globe

Ok, first of all, "wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time issue". I would venture to say, and I'm just spitballin' here, the real problem is most likely it's just about always the wrong time when it comes to Sebastian Telfair. [At this juncture you should throw on Eminem's "Criminal", which is the soundtrack for this blog entry.] Not that I am shadowing Telfair as part of his security detail (as it's pretty clear he's got that handled himself) and would know exactly how he spends his time but I mean, come on! Most people can get through a lifetime without criminal charges. He can't make it one year!

There is a group of "compassionate people" out there that think the Celtics should wait until it has been determined for sure that the gun did not belong to his "girlfriend". First of all, that excuse is getting old. "Seems" to have a handgun issue is an understatement. I think it's pretty clear at this point that he does in fact have a recurrent handgun "issue". And last time I checked carrying around a loaded handgun is against league rules regardless of whether it licensed to your "girlfriend". Of course, he wasn't working at the time of the most recent incident, but Telfair has proven he's a huge liability, the Celtics have enough problems as it is.

In other news, apple strudel poptarts are pretty good. Check 'em out. Perhaps they can take over Telfair's spot on the Celtic's bench. They don't pack heat...

And coming soon: Why Sebastian Telfair should have taken advantage of a free education.

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