Saturday, May 12, 2007

If the Men That We Love Aren't the Men That Love Us, Then *!%& The Men And Here's to Us!

I started looking for something funny on youtube to comment on... just 'cause. I think I needed it. But, I found these instead and I thought they were so awesome that they should be shared. I can't imagine the courage of putting yourself out there like these women did here (and for all the world to see). But the inspiration is something I know I need in my life right now. I need the reminder of how much I love myself as things have gotten a bit low lately. But most importantly, I think women should remember our strengths and powers which we so often mistake as weaknesses. Our ability to love and comfort but our need to be doing it for the right reasons, which often I find my friends and I do not. So, I'm "hollerin' when I heard it".

I thought this was great too. We should always remember who we are. We should always remember who others are, even when we think we might have lost them. Or perhaps, when we think they might have lost themselves. We must be compassionate. We must be understanding. We must put ourselves in someone else's shoes.

And, although I was feeling really good about not having a man until I saw this... I thought it was hysterical.

1 comment:

I Got Nothing said...

Hello Rock Star, I myself have had my kindness mistaken for weakness, only to be taken advantage of, so my question is, do I become rough around the edges, or stay true to myself?