Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Of course, I say almost because Clarett is apparently attending college while he's in prison. Most prisoner's are denied that opportunity. Moreover, many states have seen a decline in the number of participants in prison college programs. Nonetheless, Clarett, once a bright young football star, has stepped into a whole new arena. He's got the name, the story, and the marketing to make it work.
Personally, I have always had a fondness for Maurice Clarett because I was very sympathetic to his story. I really thought he got screwed by the NCAA. While I did not think he was a saint by any means, I felt he'd been taken advantage of by lawyers and the overly oppressive rules of the NCAA. Admittedly, Clarett made some mistakes in the past but his blog suggests he has truly learned from them. On so many levels this is thrilling to me. Of course, there is the broader societal inspiration. On a very personal level I feel vindicated in siding with Clarett through the thick and the thin. I am thrilled to see someone publicly exhibiting that the criminal justice system does rehabilitate people and we need not fear ex-cons on a stereotypical level.
Maurice Clarett proved everyone wrong and because I always believed in him, I feel a sense of victory too. Clarett does not know me nor does he have knowledge that I always felt he got the bad end of the stick. While I am sure many have expressed their opinion on either side of that line to Clarett, I certainly was never one of those people. Nonetheless, I feel that I won something today. Clarett definitely did and even if my victory is merely a facade it's that winning feeling that really counts!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
What Has Happened to Capitalism?
Although I have not been briefed on the economic forecast for the “Detroit 3,” I do know that people are not buying cars they days. This means manufacturing cars is ill advised and cutting back production is the answer. Unfortunately, this might mean people will lose their jobs but it does not make sense to continue pumping money into an industry that is not taking measures to operate in accordance with the demands associated with their consumer market.
If they are going out of business, they need to go to a bank or they need to close their doors. That’s what capitalism is all about. It is inappropriate for the Federal Government to “loan” money to whoever asks. What happens if the auto manufacturers go out of business? How will the American people get their $25 billion back? The answer, if we are concerned with helping the American auto industry, is finding a way to stimulate the economy so that people can buy cars, not giving businesses money to make a product no one can buy!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The State of the Union
1. Why was there "unprecedented security" in Grant Park but the same was not warranted in Arizona?
Although it has certainly (albeit, sadly) been a concern that Obama might meet the fate of JFK, thus being the motivating factor behind the "unprecedented security" in Grant Park, it seems to me that far more people despise Sara Palin. Granted, I would suggest she's more likely to meet said fate on an unfortunate hunting trip, perhaps with Vice President Cheney, than at any lackluster Republican political fiesta. Does no one find it ironic that the "moral evangelical" Republicans are the ones we're actually concerned about murdering someone for once? Due to my frank disregard for Republican political issues in the wake of the Democratic victory, I will not discuss, but will only hint at similar acts with regards to, say... abortion clinics. Yet, on the whole, the country still maintains the stereotype that it is blacks who we should be afraid of in a dark alley, for at any moment, they might pull a gun on us.
2. I heard some moron on talk radio (because I never listen to talk radio I have no idea who it was, 810 am around Albany, NY) this morning suggest that higher taxation is a "loss of liberty."
As a preliminary matter, you might have a point. But riddle me this: isn't it a far greater loss of liberty NOT TO HAVE A JOB? I am fairly certain that is the predicament that the Bush, i.e. Republican, administration managed to get millions of Americans in. Shit, if you can't afford to put gas in your gas and a beer at the bar, you're stuck your house. How free does that make you?! As Southwest airlines says, "You are now free to move about the country." If you can't afford to get anywhere, you're not free. If you can't put food on the table, you're hardly living the American Dream. If your house is being foreclosed on, what good is the right to property? I think we all get the point. Pay a few extra bucks in taxes, circulate money in the economy, and we'll all prosper.
Interestingly, CEOs, top execs, many (aka pretty much anyone who hasn't already lost their Wall Street job) are taking a pay cut. So, riddle me this: what's the difference between a pay cut because the Bush administration let the economy get this bad and higher taxes? I'll tell you: the money doesn't go anywhere because it doesn't exist, apparently, so the government can't reinvest it in the economy so it might eventually get back to you. I wonder if there are any job requirements to being a political commentator, like having a basic understanding of politics or the economy.
3. Last night on CNN Bill Bennett made a comment to the tune of: We have a black President of the United States, clearly there is no longer any basis to state that African-Americans in this country are disadvantaged in their ability to succeed.
First of all, Barack Obama is a mixed race individual who identifies himself as an African-American. He is free to associate with whatever racial group he feels most comfortable, but that does not change the most important fact at play, his upbringing. Were Bennett's comment to be anything short of ignorant, we'd have to overlook the two African-Americans that have been appointed to the Supreme Court. And, for that matter, all accomplishments any individual African-American has achieved. The theory, that because one man did it, means that the problem of racism is resolved on the whole is ludicrous. The systematic structural basis of racism in this country is well documented and it was pathetic to see 3 other intelligent, educated people comment after Bennett before finally, someone spoke up, and pointed out the ridiculousness of the conclusion Bennett had drawn. And to think that man was once the Secretary of Education in the United States... talk about structural racism!
Bennett's comment was the equivalent of someone saying in 1947 that because Jackie Robinson was allowed to play baseball in the major leagues that the racial playing field had been leveled. It was not until 1984 that Ronald Reagan awarded Robinson a Congressional Medal of Freedom recognizing the amazing courage of the first man to break the racial divide and begin the movement toward racial equality. Sports are a field of employment which now are largely racially biased toward minorities where hires are made based on the athletes' ability and, as Martin Luther King once dreamed, not based on the color of their skin. Perhaps Bennett had a brain fart and thought for a moment he was on ESPN rather than CNN? I suppose with his apparent level of comprehension, it might be easy to get the two networks confused.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Choose Wisely
This would mean that women would no longer have a Constitutionally protected right to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy before the point of viability. It would, however, leave the issue to states and allow them to decide whether abortion should be legal or not. Because this procedure is expensive and traveling great distances to obtain an abortion is not feasible for everyone, overturning Roe v. Wade would have dramatic affects on millions of young women in America. Of course, this issue affects all of us as it has implications on welfare, teen pregnancy, child abuse rates, child neglect, nutrition, crime, and so much more.
A Supreme Court that is too politically skewed is dangerous with respect to any issue. Certainly, the Framers envisioned balance on the political spectrum when they established the 9 Justice panel. In the modern era we should anticipate an even broader balance; one encompassing race, class, politics, gender, sexual orientation, geographic origin, etc. In the next Presidential term, it is likely that at least two of the Justices will be replaced for one reason or another. However, the two oldest, and most likely to retire, are on the liberal side of the political spectrum and hold that vote in the Court. Failing to replace their votes with other like votes will throw off the political balance in the Supreme Court that is so crucial to fair and equal justice in this Nation.
Most importantly, should McCain be elected and should any Justice choose to retire or leave their position for any other reason (i.e. death), replacing a liberal vote with a conservative vote could be detrimental to the woman's right to have an abortion. Because McCain has been criticize for his views on abortion, his party is likely to be more critical of any Supreme Court nominee on this particular issue. For this reason, McCain is more likely to nominate a judge or attorney that is known to be pro-life and will support the conservative vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Certainly, we can speculate all we want about the possibilities of these occurrences. But, if the lessons that Sandra Day O'Connor taught us about unpredictability on the Supreme Court mean anything, I think it worth while to consider all possibilities when voting in November and hedge our bets with the safest vote.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ladies, Put Down Your Cell Phones and No One Will Get Hurt!
A friend called me a while ago and told me that he boyfriend wasn't responding to her calls and texts as promptly as she wished. She told me that she would call several times before her boyfriend would call her back.
First of all, there is nothing more annoying that having someone you don't want to speak to call you a million times. Now, this might sound harsh because who wants to consider that they are being annoying in a relationship. But, let's give it a scenario. Boyfriend is hanging out with the boys tossing the football. His phone rings during the fun time and it's his beautiful, charming, fun, classy girlfriend. However, he knows that he's in the company of 6 other guys and he doesn't want to give his girlfriend anything less than his undivided attention. So, he doesn't pick up and plans to call her as soon as he has some alone time.
Girlfriend doesn't like this, she continues to call. She starts speculating about how beautiful the girl is that he's cheating on her with. She becomes even more upset that he has not answered her calls and irrationally texts and calls a million times. Boyfriend, at this point, knows that he is in a lot of trouble for absolutely nothing. As any smart human being would do, he becomes frightened about the inevitable fight which is about to ensue, all because he was tossing a football around with his guy friends.
Of course, this is not always the scenario. There are lots of innocent activities a boyfriend might be doing when it is inappropriate to answer of phone. He might be trying to find out who Number Two works for. He might be sleeping. He might be in a movie, a meeting, etc.
Gradually, the girl begins to call the boy like 10 times more than she gets called. She begins to resent the fact that she can only communicate with her boyfriend on his time. Acknowledging that his actions are selfish, we must consider how selfish it is to believe that anyone else is at our beckon call 24/7. Moreover, the guy begins to learn that his girlfriend will ALWAYS be available when he wants to talk because she always answers the phone or he'll just pick up when he's good and ready.
The answer: STOP CALLING! Let them come to you! Hopefully, that's how it was in the beginning of your relationship. Things should not change just because you are an official couple or just because you have gone on a couple dates! Women apparently don't know this. Then, men wonder how they got themselves into this mess and insist this is not what they signed up for. She seemed so nice and sweet at the beginning, now she's some crazy stalker who won't leave me alone. Alas, the relationship begins a slow, steady collapse.
Sure enough, following this advice, within a very short time, he was calling her as a good boy should. The lesson: Never ever underestimate the power of silence!
I spoke to another friend who told me that her boyfriend was supposed to come visit her this weekend and is trying to wiggle his way out of it. As a preliminary matter, that already means two things. (1) You have allowed him to walk all over you; and (2) you need to break up with him because you obviously aren't a priority.
She tells me that he has a game of some sort and his team is counting on him. She proceeds to tell him via text "obviously this is not a good time, come another time." Women apparently fail to understand that sarcasm will not be detected and such a statement will be construed liberally and literally. Her boyfriend now thinks it is perfectly fine if he doesn't come. Meanwhile, what she meant to say was, "If you are not here but such and such a time, this relationship is over."
With about 99% certainty, he will tell her that he is not going to come and she's start flipping out. She will do so under the pretense that she made it clear to him that he was to skip his game and come. He will be baffled and confused. He will insist that you just said it was ok for him to go to the game. Alas, you DID actually say that. Now, there will be a fight over something that could have been adequately handled by saying what you mean and meaning what you say.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Seriously, You Must Be Joking!
So, you meet someone, they ask for your number and they call to ask you on a date. There are several reasons a girl might say yes to such an offer. One, is that she actually really liked the guy and thinks he's her future husband. Another is that she thought the date sounded fun. Maybe she's just bored. Really, it doesn't matter why we go, but if we go, we begin "dating".
Men, for some unknown reason have come to equate buying dinner with getting ass. It's funny when you have gone on a couple dates with someone and they haven't gotten any ass, you'll notice the restaurants you go to get nicer and nicer. Then, if you do sleep with that person, they'll do one of two things. One, is they'll continue to wine and dine you acknowledging that you are still "dating" and maybe that they actually have class. The second move involves nesting.
You know what I mean. The nesters. The ones that either want to settle down or their just homebodies and they think because they impressed you sufficiently to get you into bed, that they no longer have to do any work. This tactic must have worked on some, otherwise it simply wouldn't exist. However, that tactic will never work with me! In fact, it's the fastest way to ensure I will never speak to you again. Nesting! You have got to be kidding.
Frankly, I think nesting is for people that hate to date. It's for people that actually dread the dating experience all together. The people who get nauseated and clammy at the thought of conversation, wine, and a MEAL with another people because they might actually have to talk to them for like two whole hours! The way I see things, if you don't have an hour of talking points on yourself (half the time of a date, assuming your date has an hour on themselves) then you deserve to be single! And, if your date deserves to be single, then you should have two hours of stuff to talk about! I mean, have you done nothing with your life? Never gone on vacation? Seen a good sports game? Seen someone fall out of no where? NOTHING!?!
Which brings me to a funny dating story. So, sometimes, just to be mean and cruel I date people so that I have horrible dating stories to tell. The guy moves along, thinking I am actually interested in him and he might have a chance of getting some action, when really, it's all just a big joke on him. So, sparing the details of how this particular individual landed himself in this pitiful spot, we were out at lunch one day and the bill comes. We were finishing up cocktails so it sits there, he doesn't touch it. Then, I finally open the bill up and look at it. He asks some question regarding how I would like to handle it. Not surprisingly, it was obvious I was going to have to pay for at least my own lunch. But he now begins to suggest that I might like to buy him lunch as well.
I was very confused because I don't remember telling him that I wanted to buy him lunch. He's a pretty big loser and a really big jerk, so I couldn't think of any reason why I would want to buy him lunch. But, for some reason, he thought I might want to buy him lunch. So, I simply told him that I did not, in fact, want to buy him lunch. After which he still proceeded to put his wallet in his pocket. After instilling some further clarity into the statement regarding his payment, he finally coughed up some money.
During the course of the lunch, there was a discussion about being a "player" and how when girls met him they always thought he was the "player type". Now, as I laughed internally thinking, "Who in their right mind would seriously date you, thus allowing you to be dating multiple girls at once?" I told a story about someone I used to date thinking so much of our relationship, meanwhile I was dating all these other people at the time, it lasted a couple weeks, etc. So, this guy asks me how many people I was seeing now. "What do you mean?" His response was, "Well, like you and me?"
So... what you are asking is how many losers do I get to take out to lunch on a regular basis? Well, frankly, I don't even have guy friends as pathetic as that. Apparently he thought we were like really dating and feared he was being played. I thought this was hysterical because we're not hooking up, he doesn't pick up the bill, he doesn't drive me places, we don't do couple activities, etc.
So, the moral is if you don't pay the bill, you're probably not dating so you probably wouldn't qualify as someone that is getting played. And, even if you think you're actually dating someone without having to pay all the bills, you need to get your shit straight because you're obviously going to get played if you aren't paying for shit! I thought this was a basic principle but I have met more and more boys in this unsophisticated part of the country that seem to lack even the most basic manners!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
One Hysterical Example of Why Our Drug Policy Undermines Respect for Our Criminal Justice System
Notice the snort in the newsroom. "I think we're dead"...?! What!? It's too funny! But it is also a prime example of why the criminalization of marijuana undermines respect for our criminal laws in general. If the very individuals who are supposed to uphold our criminal laws are breaking them, then acting like idiots, making the news, and not being charged with a crime themselves... don't we think it's time we simply admitted they committed no crime and change our laws!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Ducky Ducky; Quack!
This is precisely the kind of quack I am talking about. This idiot says "the State is God walking on Earth"? What does that even mean?! I guess he might mean something along the lines of the state is an almighty being? I am still unclear if that's what he meant because even if it is it is completely irrelevant to anything else he says...
Abortion "creates promiscuity." Now that's a moronic statement if I have ever heard one! Maybe its organisms, arguably a gift God gave us. Maybe this dude is just bitter he's not getting any. "Murder, inc."? And he calls other people radicals! Hahaha, this kinda cracks me up!
"The Federal Government has no role in the instrument of salvation" and yet he thinks that the government should be involved to promote his religious views, specifically those against homosexuality and abortion. He says there is a "founding Christian principles in the Constitution". Uh, have you heard and the separation of Church and State you fruitcake? And what the hell is this about "black churches" were destabilized because of Federal funding? I suppose white churches were doing just fine with any "funding" they were receiving so uh... what're you getting at here buddy, no common denominator... You certainly aren't saying that funding to churches is destabilizing to society since you only specified "black churches" and I imagine since you're so gung-ho about religion that you can't believe the church itself is a "perverse cause". It sounds to me that his argument is "black churches" constitute "moral degradation". So, I have to think he's just plain racist. (Please see the commentary by Kanye West below...) And interestingly, I hear him say nothing about what this "degradation" was that was "caused by federal funding". He only rattles off a list of organizations, all of which benefit gay communities or the poor (and apparently mostly "black communities") and calls them "perverse".
It's no wonder that every President has appropriated more and more money, it's because you're a moron buddy and you haven't made even one coherent argument! In fact pretty much everything you have said is hypocritical. It is so troublesome to me that there are still individuals out there that can listen to this man and think he's making a good, or even, decent argument for anything logical or coherent. He might as well have just recorded himself saying, I am a racist capitalist who wants to hoard all the money for myself. I believe in a Republican party that is compassionate, not a group of moron monkeys like this fool!